Monday 30 March 2009

website menu design

hello lovelies!
i just finished doing the sign post menu design for the website. ta da!
click it for real size cos it's weeny on here.
this is the original drawing, to show the development process. i did the colouring using the vector pen tool in Photoshop. And I changed the bird to one of the ones i did for my children's installation theme, as the original drawn bird is ugly and meanlooking.
any thoughts?
the home page design so far is very black and white so if you'd rather i grayscale it, no probs. colour does look quite pretty too though!

good luck tomorrow with the WIP presentation. blegh.

Becka xxx

Saturday 28 March 2009

The beginnings of an animation....

I've started to attempt at animating my first theme. All that happens at the moment are the bubbles bobbing up and down and the mushrooms slowly changing color. The final animation will be on a 10-second loop. Obviously more needs animating, but this is just a taster of what it will be like.
Any thoughts? xxx


So, finally managed to get some half decent (and fairly stable) max patches running.

This one tracks the face of the user, plots a green square around their lovely mug, then outputs the co-ordinates for the top left and bottom right points. This basically means we can track their movement from left to right using the x co-ordinate, which can be seen in the left most number box out of the four at the bottom of the patch. Lavley.

Check it, innit :

Even works with funny faces:

Friday 27 March 2009

Personal Research

i know we vaguely talked about having a paperbased development portfolio for people to flick through at the showcases so here is a page of mine, about who influenced me for the jungle graphics! :)

Becka xxx

Poster Designs

Here are a few poster designs which give a taste of two of our installation themes. I've designed two posters on each installation theme - one giving a little taster of the design, and the other one showing the whole design.

Let me know what you all think xxxxx

Thursday 26 March 2009

my 3rd and final scene

This is my last scene. It was meant to be for little kids, to show that we can steer away from sophisticated and stylish and create fun and brightly coloured installations for schools/nurseries etc.

in retrospect it does look pretty creepy. nevermind.

once again, it was created with hand drawn material that's been scanned & vectored :)

The movement is going to be based around lots of swaying/dancing. I tried to keep the shapes clean and colours bright so it would appeal more to kids. I guess the music should be pretty childish too, like the theme to a children's tv show or something?

Becka xox

Early Bounce For Alice's Japanese Theme

Enough trolling.

Here's my first bounce for the Japanese theme. The percussion is nowhere near done and it's going to be longer. I think some notes also clash a bit so I'll sort that out.

Click To Listen, it should play automatically in zShare

The track will all be chopped up into little bits. As the music continues, it gets busier, therefore the more people in the room making movement, then the more intense it gets. Following? So yeah, any critical feedback or anything, do it.

Also the audio breakdown is as follows:

Me doing -
Emma's hippy theme, flower head theme thing, and Alice's Japan one.

Sam doing -
Becka's tea party, jungle, and Alice's floral stuff.

So contact whoever you may need with ideas and things.

Cheers, Chris.


Animation Tests

I carried out some animation tests, to discover which technique would be most aesthetically pleasing/time effective for us to use to animate. As we will be animating a lot of vines/swirls, i looked into animating growth.

My attempts are below:

This animated vine uses the 'Write On' effect in After Effects. It was extremely easy to use and looks pretty effective.

This one was done with stop motion. I used a lightbox and felt tips and a whole load of paper. it took ages, was really boring to do, and it took me hours and hours to make 2 1 second of animation. that's a 'no' then.

This one was done by piecing together lots of swirls that had been animated with 'write on'. piecing them together and staggering them in the timeline made the growth look endless and flowing. (the swirls and flourishes were downloaded from and aren't my own - i selected them, arranged them, edited some, and staggered them) i also added a camera and a background texture. it all looks pretty nifty. it was pretty simple to do and is really something to look into when we are animating our content!

i also did one using keyframe masking in flash but it wont upload for some reason. however it looked rubbish and took ages anyway so we aren't missing out.

Write-On was by far the easiest way to mask, you dont have to mess about with messy mask boxes, or redraw anything over and over again so i would recomend using that when animating growth for the installation.

Becka xox

Teaparty graphics

I tried this out in widescreen but can change it back if we can't project it!

I wanted to go for an arty, vintagey teaparty theme. I thought it was important to stress the artistic side, for when we pitch installations to galleries, not just for advertisements.

I thought it would be inkeeping with the sketchy 'drawn' style if the cake stands, and womens faces masked on with 'write on' as though they were being drawn onto the scene. Also i thought it would look good if the birdcages dropped down one by one as they ''follow'' the user.

this was fun to make. the pink splats in the background are actual teastains, with a pink photo filter, and the faint words in the background are from a loveletter i found in my back garden! very 'found art'.

Becka xox

Natural growth graphics

I wanted to base one of my scenes for the Installation around the theme of natural growth and organic matter, as animating growth and organic matter is what I based my research report around.

I designed a forest/rainforest concept, by drawing the vines and animals by hand, scanning them and vectoring them in Photoshop. I wanted to create a really dense, layered effect. I like the monkeys :)

Becka xox

Installation graphics

Hippy Theme:

Here's my first design for the visual media for the installation. This is based on a hippy theme, providing a playful and and cheerful scene. The animated aspects will be the vector material appearing around the rainbow, and also colour changes in the mushrooms and background.

Promotional Material

Hey guys here are two of my poster designs obs i can change the times and we we get our website up and running i will change it to the correct adresss.....



Alice xxxxxx

Installation designs

Hi guys here are two of my designs for the installation graphics...

This first one advertises our company using creative media. I used various medium such as vector, Paint, pencil drawing etc to creative an imaginative playful piece.

The animation will start from the right bottom corner evolving up to the top left corner as the user moves left along the piece.

My second piece advertises a Japanese Resturant. I used traditional japanese imagery and visually beautiful design to create a peaceful and oriential emotive. I kept the varied media style which i will keep in all my installation graphics to keep it creative and aesthetically intriguing to look at.

Any feedback would be great

Alice xxx

Our vision

  • We produce imaginative and kinaesthetic commercial art which thinks outside the box of traditional advertising. This is exactly what the commercial industry of today is looking for, a distinct and powerful advertising method that gives their company the wow factor.
  • Our creative media content is the key to our unique selling point. We pride ourselves in producing aesthetically striking and imaginative designs for our clients. Being young and creative professionals it enables us to maintain a trendy and modern approach with up to date technology and software.
  • Our identity is relaxed and versatile. Our installations are flexible and can be adapted for any organisation e.g. to raise environmental awareness, educational learning and for entertainment purposes. We work on a personal level for each client the designs can be tailored to any company or venue from musical festivals, nightclubs museums, schools, shopping centres to window displays or interactive installations in art galleries

Welcome to Gotspace?

Our company consists of 6 dedicated skilled students at Leeds Met. We Specialise in creating motion sensitive environments combining audio and visual elements for an immersive user experience. It combines motiontracking, animated graphics and soundscape to create a playful and engaging environment for the user by means of kinaesthetic discovery.