Thursday 26 March 2009

Animation Tests

I carried out some animation tests, to discover which technique would be most aesthetically pleasing/time effective for us to use to animate. As we will be animating a lot of vines/swirls, i looked into animating growth.

My attempts are below:

This animated vine uses the 'Write On' effect in After Effects. It was extremely easy to use and looks pretty effective.

This one was done with stop motion. I used a lightbox and felt tips and a whole load of paper. it took ages, was really boring to do, and it took me hours and hours to make 2 1 second of animation. that's a 'no' then.

This one was done by piecing together lots of swirls that had been animated with 'write on'. piecing them together and staggering them in the timeline made the growth look endless and flowing. (the swirls and flourishes were downloaded from and aren't my own - i selected them, arranged them, edited some, and staggered them) i also added a camera and a background texture. it all looks pretty nifty. it was pretty simple to do and is really something to look into when we are animating our content!

i also did one using keyframe masking in flash but it wont upload for some reason. however it looked rubbish and took ages anyway so we aren't missing out.

Write-On was by far the easiest way to mask, you dont have to mess about with messy mask boxes, or redraw anything over and over again so i would recomend using that when animating growth for the installation.

Becka xox

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