Sunday 17 May 2009

Sunday 10 May 2009

hey here is my dvd cover for our dvd :) hope u think its ok cos no time to change it lol
xxxxxxxxxxx obs it wont have the red mark round it thats just the size guides xxxxxxxxxx
hey crew.,

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmyyyyyy goooooooooddddd i finally have finished the dvd after a weekend of pure hell of it error and crashin on me everytime i tried to build it to disc!! everythin works perfect and im dead happy but also very tired lol i never want to look at Encore again it doesnt like me at all lol i dont even know what i did to make it suddenly work i put it down to the amount of prayin and cursing i did ha
neways thought id let u all know its done and iv done the dvd and printed that off yey!

see u all tomoro for cupcake making and presentation planning oh what joys x


Free Cupcake Flyer for Showcase

Hey, I've just made a free cupcake flyer for tuesdays showcase, just to try and get people up to the blueroom! its got beckas lovely, quite scary cupcake illustration on! xxx

Friday 8 May 2009

Innovation North Showcase - Presentations Essential Information

Hey, this is an email iv got about doing the 10min presentation for the VIP's that come to the event. I thought we could maybe do a 2min talk about the installation, then have the rest of the time with the installation running and people interacting.

Dear Final Year Students

Congratulations on being selected to give an in depth presentation of your final year work at this year's Innovation North Showcase 2009!

See below a table of the running order of presentations on the night. We have identified you here by your team name as opposed to your project title as your team name will be used to locate you on the night (using the showcase brochure).

If there are any problems please contact me as soon as possible.

You will need to be at the relevant lecture theatre 5 mins before your presentation. If all your team members are not involved in the presentation then please ensure that they remain at your exhibition booth to speak to guests and encourage them to attend the presentation. Where possible your stand should not be left unattended at any time.

Please have your presentation complete and ready to use on a memory stick.

Showcase Presentation Running Order

Lecture Theatre A - Music

Lecture Theatre C - Computing

Lecture Theatre D - Media


Egg Sound Design

Out of the Box Design

INMOTION - Inertial Motion Capture


Gecko Audio Productions

Team Innovation Bank

Defining Beauty


Sound Source Productions




Digital Minds

Green IT Strategy Development



Area Sounds

Autonomous Agent for Horseracing Gambling

Flawless Dolphin


The Four Jays

Flex Design


Proud Noise

Team 73 (name to be added)


Next Level Productions

If you would like to 'test' your presentation please see Sam Jamieson via the reception desk during the day time event to use the lecture theatre.

You will have a total of 10 minutes for your presentation and to answer any questions. Due to the schedule we cannot deviate from these timings. The times on the table show that you have a 15 minute slot, the extra 5 minutes is to account for loading and unloading work.

This is a great opportunity for you to get some publicity for your work so please dress smartly and act in a professional manor. A member of academic staff will be present at all times in case of any problems.

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us

Thanks and Well Done!


Thursday 7 May 2009


Making Of slideshow, as a video file for dvd. Not the most interesting thing in the world but necessary. and chris' music sounds gooood.

hey guys these are my transitions for the dvd!

first here is the home page transition intro.

next is my events page transitionintro:

Lastly here is my photo gallery page transition

so if everyone can bring all the transitions and video assets tomoro so i can finish it encore tomoro! im now gonna make the dvd cover and print that off tonight so we can be completely finished tomoro xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Home Page > Making Of Page DVD transition

here is the transition between the Home Page of the DVD and the Making Of Menu. Stuck some of Sam's Teaparty audio in there as well.

Hope everyone's well - missing all your lovely faces :)


Wednesday 6 May 2009

Showcase Poster

I've just had a watch of the lecture about the showcase and it seems we don't have a lot of space at all to present our stuff! so i thought our best bet is to have two A2 posters, one big one with our logo to draw people in. and then a second one which describes the How, Why, & What? about our product (as suggested in the lecture!)

I've designed this second poster and tried to make it as visually appealing as possible as we want to draw people in. Then we can have the laptop setup to show the 'making of' process.

It also says there is opportunity for groups who have large products to do a short 10min presentation in a lecture theatre and also show the product, i think we should look into doing this!

Let me know what you think of the poster design anyways?? xxx

Home > Portfolio transition

Hey, just completed the Homepage > Portfolio transition.
Also Chris is on his way down to Awesome Badges to order more badges and bottle openers for the showcase! xxx


hi chris and sam! i just wanted to make sure u were clear about what video assets need to be made for the dvd seen as all the pages are complete and workin in encore already so cant be changed now!

basically we need:
for the events page-
* a video of people using the installation at the broadcasting house- (watch video)
* the same broadcasting event video but with beckas voice over about the event- (watch with commentary)

for the making of page-
* video footage of us setting up and testing the installation with beckas voice over about our intention behind our installations etc

*interviews video footage

Tuesday 5 May 2009

The Making Of Video Page for DVD

this page will actually house the making of video, with it playing in the grey square. The transition will have the bunnies jumping about, naaaturally.

oh and also the signpost will be swapped for the one alice posted in the last entry, where the buttons are further apart so will work in Encore without overlap.


also, emailed somebody (A.Wyse?) today about sorting booking the BlueRoom or Foley Room for the showcase. fingers crossed. xxx



hey guys this is the events page for the dvd showing two of the rollovers! i will put the same sign post rollovers on everyones pages so they are the same!


Friday 1 May 2009

hey guys here is my design for our dvd home page. I kept with the same airy sky background to represent spaciousness if thats a word lol

This will all animate on after the intro. birds flying on tree masking etc

here is the home page with one of the rollovers as the user scrolls over the button this green splat will occur to highlight which button they are on : )

Also in response to beckas question about the event video footage! i think its a good idea to do an events section with the video footage and photos of the day at the broadcasting house seperate from the making of section which will just include footage of us setting up at lumen etc i will do this section instead of the general photos section

much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

'Making Of' menu page

hey loves.
Here is my design for the Making Of menu on the dvd. the vines will mask in as though growing and the birds will fly in.

Just a lil question as i'm confused & can't remember what we decided on: Will the actual footage of the installation in use at the OBH be in the Making Of Video, or is that just the behind the scenes stuff and the installation-in-use is a seperate video?

Right, that's all from me today as i am ALL KINDS OF ILL. i got two hours sleep last night cos i can't breathe :( and i wake myself up sneezing every five minutes. lame. so i can't do anymore voiceover work for the dvd anytime soon as i'm so nasal i sound like Princess Anne. bad times.

ps - loving the portfolio pages, emma :)


Portfolio Pages :)

Here are the portfolio pages for the DVD, i've split it into 3 sections for me, alice and becka so people can just click next/back to view them all. the user will be able to click on the thumbnails of each animations (which will be playing a preview in the thumbnail view) to view them big and with the audio :)

Contact Us Page

Here is the contact us page for the DVD, i tried to keep it similar to the theme of the website

New Intro to DVD

hey, i decided to make the intro a bit better, put in a sky background, more grass and beckas bird :)

Wednesday 29 April 2009

10 second DVD Intro

Heloo, I've made a 10 second introduction for the DVD just with the logo letters falling down and then the splat and vines coming on. Chris is gonna do some music to sync with it. Any comments?? xxx

Lovely User Feedback :)

Here are some very pleasing comments from users at our showcase event:

“Very visually exciting. Could See many commercial uses. Excellent.”

“Very impressive and thought provoking.”

“I found the whole thing to be pretty groundbreaking. I’ll be talking about this one for a while.”

“I was impressed with how well the animations and music synced together with real time movement. The visual style was impressive and the product worked consistently.”

“Very creative and innovative. Amazing artistic talent, very enjoyable.”

“I really enjoyed the whole experience, it was nice to see something new and innovative and fun! Well done (massively) to everyone involved.”

“I liked the way all the pieces worked together whilst maintaining quite and individual feel… I liked how the music varied with the movement.”

“The overall presentation was really professional.”

“Potentially, as far as advertising goes, the ‘Got Space?’ method of advertising could sell products in a creative way and attract consumers to things they may not be familiar with.”

“Great concept with many opportunities.”

“Very innovative. I would expect it has real commercial potential.”

“Fun fun fun! Would love to see this professionally.”

“Very interesting display. Very enjoyable and much fun.”

“Really good idea. I think companies would benefit from the idea, and doesn’t seem too expensive to set up.”

“I really liked all the different pieces. They are really pretty and interesting. Lots of things to look at. I liked the way the music changed and got louder and quieter too.”

“Awesome! Probably the best interactive installation I have ever seen!”

“An innovative design that would truly capture anybodies attention. It is very fun, unique, and very well put together.”

dvd transition thingy

just a simple, quick thing i did with the logo in after effects. i think we should have something longer and more complex for the animated intro but this could be used just as a transition or i-dent or whatever you call it somewhere in the dvd :)

Becka xxx

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Old Broadcasting House Event

On Sunday, we launched our product to the public, at the Old Broadcasting House. This was not organised by the university, but by us, as a chance for us to show off what we have been working on, and also to give us an opportunity to document and film the public interacting with our installation, so we could show this edited footage at the Innovation North showcase in May, as well as a chance to collect feedback from the public.

I am so glad we took the initiative to organize our own event as I'm sure we all agree it was a roaring success.

The day went very smoothly, with a great turn out, and the feedback we recieved was so so encouraging (whoever took the feedback forms home after the event, post the 'additional comments' on the blog so we can read them!). People really seemed to enjoy interacting with the installation and seeing what it could do, dancing in front of it, or even sliding past it on office chairs to see how it would respond.

The artwork looked vivid and attractive and flowed smoothly, the audio was very responsive to movement, and the interactivity was pretty seamless and smooth. All in all, it was a wonderful evening, and the feedback and interest we got from the tutor in attendance, Paul Emery, was fantastic and encouraging.

Here are some photos from the evening.

Mission Statements:
Feedback Forms:
Public Interaction:

oh yeah and we made t-shirts.
Now we need to edit the filming of the event, record voiceovers, and collate the feedback and evaluate it!

Becka xx

The Cupcake Production Line

Emma, Alice & I decided to make a whole load of lovely cupcakes for the GotSpace? product launch at Old Broadcasting House, as an incentive to get people to come down and test out the installation, and also just because cupcakes are lovely and add a bit of fun :)

We made and iced seventy two cupcakes and they went down a storm, and really added something quirky and home-made to the event.

More pictures from testing our installation at Lumen

Thursday 23 April 2009

DVD Stuff.

Just thinking, if any of you graphics people wanna start some bits for the DVD soon it would be great. Need like a 10 second animated title screen for the start and end, just with the logo and things, and some short cut-screens, just like the logo, and maybe a splat land next to it, make the film look a bit pro...


Wednesday 22 April 2009

Some Photos from Lumen

For the past week we have been renting a rehearsal space at Lumen ( to set up and test our installation. Here are a few of the many photos we have taken to document our process.

Got Space Merch! aww yeah.

Gathered around the trusty macbook

Danny testing out the Japan theme

Um..modelling the merch,

Setting up the big screen, when our tutor Paul Emery stopped by.

Showing Paul our work

The Max patch, projected.

Emma doing a bit of publicity, and making friends with lots of men in green shirts.

Posters around Uni.
Chris testing the interactivity

Emma & Alice dancing to get the Interactive Audio playing. Or maybe Alice is praying for it to work?
testing testing 1 2 3

Hello I need a haircut.

This is Girl Corner. a hive of productivity. and crisps.

the menfolk, hard at work.

