Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Cupcake Production Line

Emma, Alice & I decided to make a whole load of lovely cupcakes for the GotSpace? product launch at Old Broadcasting House, as an incentive to get people to come down and test out the installation, and also just because cupcakes are lovely and add a bit of fun :)

We made and iced seventy two cupcakes and they went down a storm, and really added something quirky and home-made to the event.


  1. Hi,

    really sorry I didn't make the opening event - these cakes look very tasty. I intended to come but got caught up in the open day. Are you going to show again somewhere? This is for the L3 Showcase I presume? Do you get to show at that? Let me know.


    Brian Larkman

  2. Hi Brian!
    Unfortunately we do not have a lot of room at the showcase, but if we can get access to the Blue Room at the L3 showcase, we will be setting up the installation there as well. However the entire event on Sunday was filmed, which will be edited and combined with voiceovers to create a 'making of' film, which will also be shown at the showcase so you can see what you missed.

    Thank you for your interest,keep following our blog for more developments!
