Tuesday 28 April 2009

Old Broadcasting House Event

On Sunday, we launched our product to the public, at the Old Broadcasting House. This was not organised by the university, but by us, as a chance for us to show off what we have been working on, and also to give us an opportunity to document and film the public interacting with our installation, so we could show this edited footage at the Innovation North showcase in May, as well as a chance to collect feedback from the public.

I am so glad we took the initiative to organize our own event as I'm sure we all agree it was a roaring success.

The day went very smoothly, with a great turn out, and the feedback we recieved was so so encouraging (whoever took the feedback forms home after the event, post the 'additional comments' on the blog so we can read them!). People really seemed to enjoy interacting with the installation and seeing what it could do, dancing in front of it, or even sliding past it on office chairs to see how it would respond.

The artwork looked vivid and attractive and flowed smoothly, the audio was very responsive to movement, and the interactivity was pretty seamless and smooth. All in all, it was a wonderful evening, and the feedback and interest we got from the tutor in attendance, Paul Emery, was fantastic and encouraging.

Here are some photos from the evening.

Mission Statements:
Feedback Forms:
Public Interaction:

oh yeah and we made t-shirts.
Now we need to edit the filming of the event, record voiceovers, and collate the feedback and evaluate it!

Becka xx

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