Wednesday 8 April 2009

Write On Tutorial For Emma & Alice

hello lovely ladies.

As requested, i will do my best to do a write on tutorial for after effects. bare with me though as I don't have after effects at home so i'm kind of doing it off the top of my head.

Speaking of which; Emma do you have AE on your mac? i neeeeeed it :(

well here are some screenshots from the vine i did in AE with Write On, click them to see details:

Okay so...
Import your vine from photoshop or wherever, into AE.
Once it's in the timeline, select it, and go to Effect > Stylise > Write On, in the top menu (the one with File, Edit, Composition, etc on)

When you have selected Write On, a small dot will appear on the screen (known as the Brush Position Point control). change the size of it (using 'brush size' in the drop down menu for Effect Controls), so that it the width of it is a bit thicker than the width of your vine. sorta like this. Sorry for the fabulous artists impression but like i said, no After Effects!

Also, in the Effects Control thing, set Paint Time Property to 'Opacity', and 'Brush Time Property' to 'Size'.

Now go to the first frame in your time line, and at the bottom of the vine, where you want it to start growing, select the frame, and then Alt-click (or Option click on a Mac) on 'Brush position' in Effect Controls. This will set the keyframe for where your growth starts.

Now comes the slow part. Move ahead two or three frames in the timeline, and then move the write on dot thing to a bit further up the vine, to show where you want it to have grown to by this point. Then do it again, a few frames later, a bit further up. Each move sets a new keyframe for growth, the dots don't have to touch, they can be a bit apart, as AE will automatically play the bits in between each keyframe. Continue moving the write on dot further up the vine bit by bit until the entire vine has been dotted. like thiiiis:
Now it should play back in Ram Preview to look like it is growing.
I hope this makes sense. if i am explaining things badly, look up a text write on tutorial on the internet and just use a vine instead of text, pretty sure it works exactly the same because the tutorial i followed originally was for text :)


becka xox

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