Wednesday 29 April 2009

Lovely User Feedback :)

Here are some very pleasing comments from users at our showcase event:

“Very visually exciting. Could See many commercial uses. Excellent.”

“Very impressive and thought provoking.”

“I found the whole thing to be pretty groundbreaking. I’ll be talking about this one for a while.”

“I was impressed with how well the animations and music synced together with real time movement. The visual style was impressive and the product worked consistently.”

“Very creative and innovative. Amazing artistic talent, very enjoyable.”

“I really enjoyed the whole experience, it was nice to see something new and innovative and fun! Well done (massively) to everyone involved.”

“I liked the way all the pieces worked together whilst maintaining quite and individual feel… I liked how the music varied with the movement.”

“The overall presentation was really professional.”

“Potentially, as far as advertising goes, the ‘Got Space?’ method of advertising could sell products in a creative way and attract consumers to things they may not be familiar with.”

“Great concept with many opportunities.”

“Very innovative. I would expect it has real commercial potential.”

“Fun fun fun! Would love to see this professionally.”

“Very interesting display. Very enjoyable and much fun.”

“Really good idea. I think companies would benefit from the idea, and doesn’t seem too expensive to set up.”

“I really liked all the different pieces. They are really pretty and interesting. Lots of things to look at. I liked the way the music changed and got louder and quieter too.”

“Awesome! Probably the best interactive installation I have ever seen!”

“An innovative design that would truly capture anybodies attention. It is very fun, unique, and very well put together.”

1 comment:

  1. awww i feel a bit emotional reading those hahah! That's so good! xxxxx
