Sunday 19 April 2009

Bunnies anim

turn your sound on :) this was fun to do as chris' song gave me loads of opportunities to sync stuff up. i need to sort the ending out so it loops as it just stops at the mo, but you get the idea.

with mine, i decided to have loads going on in each animation, so my mask will randomly uncover parts of it, and the mask 'hole' that reveals, will swell and shrink, exposing more and less of the animation, and scroll backwards and forwards depending on where people walk. here is an example of my first mask, (with no animation layer underneath) as it would look if no one was walking past. when programmed with max it will scroll left to right, or right to left depending on the direction of the passer by, thus uncovering more of the animation underneath.

am gonna bring my laptop to lumen tomorrow as i need a bit of help from alice & emma with getting the alpha transparency stuff right so this can be used as a mask!


1 comment:

  1. Haha, love it. Did my dodgy attempt at some Eurobeat proud.
